I am now officially legal! Its funny to say that when you are mormon because turning 21 really isn't such a big deal. Sure you are one year older and wiser but that's it. I was talking to a mom here and she said that to celebrate her 21st she booked a hotel room under her name and a car and their family went on a trip (guess you can't do that till you are 21). haha But dispite that, i had a really good birthday.
My family sent me these beautiful flowers that brighten the apartment.
i got cards from grandparents and friends. I also got cupcakes and a cute belt from my cuz, i love her style.
My wonderful hubby took me to this amazing seafood restaurant saturday night. We had crab, shrimp, potatoes, veggies, key lime pie, and ALIGATOR! yes real aligator... it looked like chic-fil-a and i will never think of those nuggets the same. EVER. We also went to the mall friday and hubby bought me this shirt.
Corbin got 12 of these babies and they stared at me all night. EEWww sick
Yep this is ALIGATOR!!! (above)
My new shirt that i love
Overall it was a fun day :) I'll blog about corbin's hood next time, stay tuned!!
Love my birthday girl!!! Don't eat Alligator!