Wednesday, June 8, 2011


I had a horrible dream last night. The kind where you wake up and think it was real, and when the time comes that you realize everything is normal, you are so thankful that its not real. I think that dreams are so interesting. Why do we dream? Is it our minds way of wandering, our curiosity, our fears? I find it so interesting. I took a psychology class once and loved every minute of it. I think the human mind is fascinating, science has always been fun and interesting to me. Where was i going with this.... oh, I'm thankful for dreams even though some are horrible. I think they are constant reminders of being different and thinking at new heights. For example, i have a dream that one day we will go to Italy. I have dreams where i can fly if i jump really high. I have a dream that my hubby will sell like no man has ever sold before. I have a dream... haha guess the possibility of watching fireworks on the 4Th of July at the national monument in D.C where Martin Luther King "had a dream" is inspiring this blog post. Hang with me people, cause apparently i have many dreams! :)