Monday, September 5, 2011

Home at last

After about three weeks of settling in, we are finally home and unpacked. It feels good to get back to the west coast among family and friends. I love knowing how to get places without a GPS for the most part. We live among the most spectacular mountains that i personally have ever seen and i've been in 12 states off the top of my head so that's saying something.

Life has been crazy settling into school and having my hubby away on an internship. I really hope that the saying "The first year of your life together is the hardest" is true. We went from a hard summer, to an ugly welcome home situation by our neighbor, to new jobs away from each other. A whole lot of stress and loneliness. My heart goes out to the wifes of soldiers... how strong they must be!

I'm camping out with my wonderful family this month while he is gone. They are what holds me through, i can't imagine doing this in a completely different state. I have learned to have great faith through these hard times. The Lord works in mysterious ways, all i can do is






  1. I love you! You are always an example to me of trusting the Lord!! I am thrilled to have you home. Now we just need to get your hubby home!!

  2. Em! For some reason, my blog was not telling me that you have been updating your blog. But I randomly decided to check it anyway, and to my surprise it has been updated! Yay! Hope all is well with you. Looks like you had an adventurous summer! Welcome back!
